Our every two-year tournament has completed and we’re now returning to finalizing the development of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade. As a quick aside, this year’s tournament was a 7 scenario breakdown of the PSX version of Tales of Phantasia. There were two tiers of player handicaps:
Tier 1: Seth, Andrew – Maniac Difficulty (3x enemy HP, new enemy skills, etc.)
Tier 2: Josh, Mark, Chris, Bryan, and Nathan – Normal Difficulty
Although Chris and Bryan were determined to be under-handicapped in our prior Last Dream World Unknown tournament and moved up from “Easy” to “Normal” for this tournament, they still overperformed and swept the competition in first and second position. For the next tournament, they will be moved into a new intermediate “Hard” category to hopefully balance the playing field. Other than that imbalance, the race for 3rd place was tense with Andrew, Seth, and Josh all tied after Scenario 6. Andrew won the race for 3rd by placing 2nd in the final scenario while Josh placed 4th with a 3rd place finish.
Although our development has slowed over the last few months, we’re re-energized and ready to finish off the Last Dream Fishing Arcade. The Fishing Arcade is nearly completion in terms of both original art and the mechanics. Unless new mechanics art added, the only remaining items are:
1) Completing the implementation of character specific overdrives
2) Adding animations for character specific overdrives and items
3) Complete the art for the final batch of saltwater and freshwater fish
4) Play testing and balancing
The above image shows the updated icons for the fishing accessories that can be acquired from chests that can be retrieved from the ocean/lake floor.
We look forward to providing you more updates in the near future!