
Victory Aftermath Menu Redesign

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We are continuing our effort to convert our draft menus into finalized designs. Our recent focus has been the Victory Aftermath menu which plays whenever the party is victorious in battle. It shows information such as EXP gained, SP gained, overdrive gained, and any enemy drops/gold.

The old design was purely functional and lacked style. It was also a bit cramped because it attempted to fit everything on a single screen which can be preferable when possible; however, in this case, there was not enough space to show all of the information in a clean, organized manner. The new Victory Aftermath menu is now an overlay in the actual battle screen (as you can see in the video).

The party remains on the screen as the battle screen slides to the side and then the party member panels that show the EXP/SP/overdrive gains drop from above. Animations have been added to highlight the increases in the EXP and overdrive bars. Finally, the drops and gold gains have been separated into a 2nd screen that allows for showing more information on the enemy remains that can be useful when you’re attempting to acquire a specific number of remains for a recipe.

We hope you like the newly redesigned Victory Aftermath menu. We’ll be tackling the Item Menu soon.