
Sprite Creator

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Sprite Creator

With the mapping of the Gray Mage prologue complete, we’ve switched our focus to the creation of unique non-playable character (NPC) sprites. Using Python, we’ve created a simple GUI that allows both manual selection of NPC elements as well as simple randomization.

There are still a few minor bugs to work out as well as areas where it is simply incomplete (such as missing shoes), but it’s in a state where we’re comfortable sharing it with you.

Nearly every element allows choice of both style and color. This yields over 50 quadrillion (5e16) unique possibilities!

Here’s what happened when I clicked “Randomize All!”:

We got a fairly eccentric NPC complete with bushy beard, bandana, spectacles, gold earrings, and clashing green jacket and yellow pants.

We’re excited about every NPC in the game having a unique look!