
Enhanced Features Offered Within “Last Dream: World Unknown”

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Many thoughtful fans have generously shared their game design ideas with our team through the Steam comments or directly via We feel fortunate to benefit from this considerable knowledge base and Last Dream: World Unknown features many exciting new elements such as battle warm-ups and cool-downs, character specific sidequests, and a massive super dungeon!

Grand Ugbar Pagoda - ResizeContinue Reading →

The Evolution of Firma

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The World Map in Last Dream: World Unknown was originally envisioned as two massive continents: Aldrin and Vir. However, as we began experiencing the in-game journey, our team recognized that the dungeon and village locations were too densely populated. That is, a fundamental element of great RPGs is an expansive sense of exploration. Although the rework involved was considerable, our team substantially revamped the World Map of Last Dream: World Unknown to enhance the enjoyment of exploration.

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“Last Dream: World Unknown” Development Continues!

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Following the surprise success of Last Dream and a multi-year, fan-backed journey to craft a sequel and expansion to our flagship game, Last Dream: World Unknown is approaching the final stages of development. Our development team remains dedicated to carefully polishing the player experience and we eagerly look forward to sharing our newest game adventure with you. We plan to offer weekly progress updates on our development progress from now until release!

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Crafting Narrative Arcs within Video Games

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As a direct result of the generous support of our Kickstarter backers, our development team has steadily advanced our game design capabilities. An essential component of our efforts is striving to create compelling storylines that you will enjoy. With your indulgence, we would like to share our perspective on story development.

Outside Mausoleum

Crafting storylines that draw the Player further into the world of Last Dream requires emotive, purpose-driven characters. Such characters must also be ...

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Last Dream: World Unknown

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townWe promised our (surprisingly) patient Kickstarter backers an expansion and Last Dream: World Unknown is a big one… arguably a standalone sequel. After recently dedicating our entire combined annual vacations to development, we now have a beta version!

Please check out our development status Continue Reading →

The Final Push

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townA swift 2 years later, what was once just a fun addition to our annual weeklong RPG and fitness Tournament, is now a viable commercial product wrapped in the four-person Partnership called White Giant RPG Studios, LLC.

Countless hours have been invested to craft ...

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Last Dream Development Party!

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Banners and balloons, wine and kabobs – White Giant RPG Studios held a development party for its inaugural game on September 20, 2012. The fanfare culminated in an all day and night (until 7am) speed-run tournament between the company founders, game testers, ...

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Game Testing

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post4Game testing is the ideal profession …or at least it seems like it would be. It was absolutely fun for the first 3 or 4 playthroughs – totally great. And yet, after you test the first hour of the game innumerable times, sometimes reloading your game 10 times ...

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Shockingly-Free Great Music

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Among many joys arising from the Last Dream project has been the discovery of fantastic new music. Our team listened to countless compositions by creators looking for nothing more than recognition, and felt resoundingly fortunate to have uncovered hundreds of eclectic creations. The ...

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Frothing Complexity

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The world of Last Dream grows ever more complex. Ancient Vanir inhabited Terra for millennia only to mysteriously disappear. A portal generated by the passing Essence of Terran souls connects Earth to Terra. The promise of eternal life and the resultant wisdom drives ...

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