
Last Dream Fishing Arcade Trailer

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We have a significant update of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade trailer to show. Feedback from the team suggested a less frenetic pace, larger fonts showed for longer to make it more readable, and a bit less focus on menus. All of those changes have been implemented and the new (hopefully final) trailer has been created.

We’v successfully built the Last Dream Fishing Arcade for Windows, MacOS, and Linux and now we’re working our way through the Mobile builds for Android ...

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Last Dream Fishing Arcade Trailer – Version #1

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It’s been a while since we’ve posted on the progress of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade, but we wanted to show you that we’ve been working on hard on its completion. The embedded video is very likely not the final version of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade trailer – it is only the first version – but it does demonstrate all the important aspects of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade that we wanted to show.

The Last Dream Fishing Arcade should ...

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Godot 4 Migration: Tile Map Scripting

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Godot 4 Migration: Tile Map Scripting

This post is the latest in a series that covers our migration from Godot 3 to Godot 4.

Last time, we converted our Tile Sets through a big export/import script. Let’s try the same thing for Tile Maps:

This tool is designed so you can just press a button and the listed Tile Map will be imported based on the json file. If you’re wondering how this works behind the scenes, the process is similar to the one described in the ...

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Godot 4 Migration: Tile Set Scripting

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Godot 4 Migration: Tile Set Scripting

This post is the latest in a series that covers our migration from Godot 3 to Godot 4.

The last post ended with a screenshot of the town of Ashwood, shown above. But what’s actually going on here? Well, “sprites” like the trees and rooftops seem to be mostly in the right place. But the Tile Map data is basically all gone. In fact, both Tile Maps and Tile Sets actually exist in the Scene data, but they have essentially had ...

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Godot 4 Migration: Getting Started

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Godot 4 Migration: Getting Started

This post is the first in a series that covers our migration from Godot 3 to Godot 4.

If you’ve been following Patreon closely, you’ve probably seen our post on converting the Last Dream Fishing Arcade from Godot 3 to Godot 4. Inspired by our success, we decided to convert Last Dream 2 (in its entirety) to Godot 4 as well. This is an ongoing project, and is much bigger than it may at first appear.

Let’s start with the basics. It’s ...

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Godot v4.1.0 migration complete!

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Godot v4.1.0 migration complete!

We’re happy to report that we’ve completed the migration of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade to Godot v4.1.0. In addition, we’ve been working through a long list of bugs and improvements in an effort to complete the Last Dream Fishing Arcade soon. Some of the more important improvements include:

1) Character specific overdrives

2) All fish are complete and using the final art

3) Added animations for items, overdrives, and accessories

4) Fish reveal themselves briefly when jumping out of the water and cause ...

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Fish Art Complete!

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Fish Art Complete!

We’ve reached a major milestone in the development of the Last Dream Fishing Arcade. Our graphic artist has completed all of the art for the fish! In addition, all fish have been animated and incorporated into the game.

We’re continuing our work to migrate the existing game from Godot v3 to v4.1. We’re happy to report that the “Flying Fish” showed in an earlier video have been fixed. The issue was that physics overrides were not properly turned on after ...

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Tales of SideQuest: Mr. Fighter vs. Mania Dhaos

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Tales of SideQuest: Mr. Fighter vs. Mania Dhaos

“Tales of SideQuest” entries cover various misadventures at White Giant RPG Studios’ “SideQuest” tournaments. These posts provide a look int our company culture, and typically do not have any content related to Last Dream development.

Well, we’re back from SideQuest 2023, and gearing up for some hefty Last Dream 2 development. In the meantime, you may recall that this year’s tournament featured the game Tales of Phantasia for the PSX, and our patented (not really) “Penalty Card” system. Here’s a snapshot ...

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Flying Fish!

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Flying Fish!

This video shows our current progress in migrating from Godot 3.x to Godot 4.x. The title screen, game options selection screen, and character selection screen are all mostly updated; however, you’ll see some significant oddities in the location selection screen – specifically, some flying fish!

In Godot 3.x, these same fish moved smoothly underwater and could jump slightly out of the water but were pulled back by gravity in the physics engine. Unfortunately, some of the physics / environment parameters must ...

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Godot v4.1 migration

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Godot v4.1 migration

During our development pause in preparation for the tournament, Godot v4.1 was released. Since it brings many major improvements, we will be migrating Last Dream Fishing Arcade and Last Dream II to the new version of the Godot Engine.

Although there is a conversion tool, the migration requires a significant amount of effort since many of the Godot v4.1 changes cannot be easily converted. To give an example, the Location Menu from the Last Dream Fishing Arcade is shown below:

As ...

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